Discipling Nations - Darrow Millar


Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth to Transform Cultures, first published in 1998 by Darrow L. Miller is a Christian worldview manifesto. It argues that biblical truth can transform not just individuals but entire societies. Miller, a co-founder of the Disciple Nations Alliance with decades of experience in relief work (e.g., Food for the Hungry), draws from his shift away from an "evangelical socialist" mindset—where poverty’s cure was resource redistribution—to a conviction that poverty stems from “lies” embedded in non-biblical worldviews. The book contrasts three major worldviews—Biblical Theism, Secularism, and Animism—claiming the biblical framework uniquely fosters human flourishing by aligning with God’s design for creation, work, and community.



Length: Medium

300 pages, ±80,000 words. The Lost World is a moderately sized novel. You could tackle it in a few days, a ±8-12 hour read.

Available on Amazon

Structured in Three Parts:

  • Discipling Nations begins with “The Power of Story,” unpacking how worldviews shape cultures (e.g., Animism’s fatalism vs. Theism’s stewardship).
  • Part two, “The Transforming Story,” roots societal health in biblical principles—creation’s goodness, human dignity, and a “development ethic” of creativity over resource scarcity.
  • Part three, “Speaking the Truth,” urges Christians to “disciple nations” (Matthew 28:19-20) by living out this worldview holistically, beyond mere evangelism, to heal poverty and injustice. Miller uses historical examples (e.g., William Carey in India) and practical illustrations, bolstered by charts and a glossary, to make his case accessible yet dense.


Why Discipling Nations Is Important To Read Today

  • Tackles Root Causes of Poverty: Global poverty persists despite trillions handed over in aid annually, Miller’s focus on worldview as poverty’s driver challenges materialist fixes, sometimes resonating with, sometimes challenging debates on development.

  • Counters the Secular Drift: As secularism continues to dominate Western culture, Miller’s defense of a biblical lens offers a Biblical counter-narrative that highlights meaning and societal health, vital in an athiestic leaning era.

  • Addresses Ideological Polarization: Amid today’s culture wars—capitalism vs. socialism, tradition vs. progress—Miller’s “third way” (biblical theism over secular or animistic extremes) provides a framework to rethink societal values. Millar presents a radical middle rejecting either extreme and challenging the false dilemma rhetoric by wich we are very easily manipulated.

  • Relevance to Global Crises: Climate change, migration, and political instability highlight our news cycles; Miller’s call to steward creation, create wealth, and bless nations aligns with the urgent needs for purpose-driven action and visionary worldview impartation.

  • Empowers Christian Engagement: With faith often sidelined in public life, the book equips Christians to see their daily work and culture-shaping as kingdom tasks, countering pietism’s retreat from the world and the notion of 'it's the pastor's job'..

  • Ideas Have Consequences: In an age of misinformation and shallow discourse (e.g., social media’s echo chambers), Miller’s insistence that beliefs shape reality pushes readers to critically assess their own assumptions and thought patterns, and to teach others to do the same.

Three Defining Quotes from Discipling Nations

“Poverty is not primarily a matter of scarce resources, but of broken relationships and lies believed about God, ourselves, and the world. Change the story, and you change the culture.”

“The biblical story teaches that God created a good world, gave man dominion to develop it, and calls us to work as stewards—not victims—of His creation. This is the seedbed of true development.”

“Jesus didn’t say ‘make converts’—He said ‘disciple nations.’ That means bringing every sphere of life under the truth of God’s Word, transforming cultures from the inside out.”


Discipling Nations is a dense but approachable read. It's a well illustrated and grounded work about the origins of poverty and the effects of having a transformative faith





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