The Biblical Ethic

We are not called to look longingly at heaven from earth;
we are called to look lovingly at earth from heaven.

2 Peter 3:11 says: "Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness," This is an ethics question, it is not rhetorical; and it's based on an eschatological assertion. Peter isn't theorising about the end, he is basing current ethic on how the whole material universe will end! Our eschatology matters!
Paul answers Peter in Galatians 6:10: “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” We won't always have this opportunity, doing good will eventually be default, indistinguishable from doing anything, but now we have opportunity to shine in the darkness, to go against our animal instincts to grab, hoard, lie, steal, manipulate, and murder.

But there is a problem, before we can "do good" we have to know what good is, and we simply don't. What's worse is that we think we do! Each one of us running round with our own idea of "good" trying to foist a subjective opinion on everyone else, terrified that someone elses ethic will win through, because they, of course are wrong. We are little dictators; and there is no worse tyranny than a well intended dictator!

There is no worse tyranny than a well intended dictator!

In Jurassic Park one of Michael Crichton's chara cters makes this astounding observation: “Scientists are actually preoccupied with accomplishment. So they are focused on whether they can do something. They never stop to ask if they should do something.” Those who can, do; and they leave the questions of ought to others. Nietzsche's maxim, "might makes right" is a succinct description of our applied human ethic.

I discuss these issues in my book, The Subjective God, from the point of view of God's applied and revealed ethic. That The God of The Bible chooses to subject Himself to His ethic, that is what Holiness means. Here are some implications of those thoughts:

  1. The things God wants are exactly the same things that Justice demands! 
  2. The opposite of knowledge is not ignorance, it is lies. The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.
  3. Sin did not originate with humanity, but the complicit nature of sin becomes an ethical stockholm syndrome.
  4. The whole duty of man is reversing entropy. (the Genesis 1 mandate)
  5. The God of The Bible claims everything over the gods… it’s all His!
  6. Hebrews 7:16 is the the ethic (the priest verb) of an indestructible life.
  7. The baseline ethic is to keep one's word. An honest brute is more ethical than a hypocrite.

There are many other implications, but these may be a good starting point for discussion.

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